We are sad to say goodbye to Natalie Bradshaw, who has evolved onto the Cretaceous Period without us. She made us laugh, cry, and question our sexualities. Actually we're not sad. Natalie was the worst.
Fortunately, we have a new T-Rex-2 who is just as committed to the role, and was also recently committed to an institution. Now she's back and better than ever, ready to show us what a gender identity crisis is all about. Claire Neumann is not your average post-op M 2 F, Claire is a National Bird-Calling Champion and some might say her Scrabble skills are some to be reckoned with. I would not say that. Her usually sassy dance moves may be slowed down because of the athlete's foot, but she's still faster than Mary-Ellen. The warts are healing, the sinus congestion is clearing, and the songs twill be sung.
Claire, we're happy to have you.
Come cheer Claire on Encore opening night September 9th at 7pm.
Tickets are on sale now at http://www.fringenyc-encores.com